Top 6 Digital Marketing Tools to Grow Your Business


Not every business has the capital to afford a marketing campaign. But that does not mean that their marketing process should be hampered. On the contrary, to ensure that every type of business, whether big or small, markets its products in the best way possible, brilliant Digital Marketing tools have emerged.

However, selecting the ones that suit your marketing style is full of hassle. That is why we have shortlisted a total of 6 digital marketing tools that would get your marketing campaign up & running.

Top 6 Digital Marketing Tools To Grow Your Business

So, let’s get straight into the top 6 digital marketing tools you should consider.

● Taggbox Widget

Taggbox Widget is a user-generated content platform and leading social media aggregation tool that curates and publishes social feeds, UGC, hashtag campaigns on webpages, email campaigns, and other marketing touchpoints.

Taggbox widget offers multiple features that serve a business brilliantly.

You can embed social media feeds on websites to increase awareness, reach, following, and user interaction, and collect excellent content.

Apart from this, there is an option of aggregating more UGC and launching hashtag campaigns utilizing UGC across many digital media to attract, engage and inspire users using Taggbox Widget.

You can also use user content in your email marketing campaigns to increase email click-through rates, build engagement, and impact repurchase choices for your business.

Adding more, you can also create a widget for User Reviews that emphasizes feelings, authenticity, and credibility. Collect and show customer evaluations about your brand from Google, Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, and other sources.

● Google Trends

Google Trends gives you the most up-to-date information on any topic you’re interested in. Simply type the desired keyword into the product or industry name in the search box. You can find out how popular your topic is on the internet right away. The information is highly significant if it pertains to your brand or a rival.

Knowing which products or services are popular and trending is essential for coming up with excellent ideas for your own. In addition, Google Trends can help you out to see if your company idea is old and if there are a lot of comparable services that could enhance your success.

● Hubspot

Inbound marketing is designed to bring clients to your company by meeting them where they are already. It places a significant emphasis on content and pleasing customers so that they become ambassadors for your brand.

HubSpot provides a marketing toolkit that centralizes all of your content and analytics. Manage your blog and social media, pay attention to SEO, keep track of your digital advertising campaigns, and more.

You can also utilize HubSpot’s marketing capabilities in conjunction with its sales software to help you build customer relationships. It uses email templates and tracking to manage sales documents, create and send email sequences, and manage conversations in the user-friendly CRM.

● Google Analytics

One of the most crucial aspects of your marketing strategy, like any goal, is measuring your critical KPIs.

Google Analytics provides an overview of your website’s traffic, allowing you to learn more about who is visiting your site and which methods are most effective.

Let’s say you see that an Instagram ad brings in a lot of high-converting visitors. Instead of betting on Facebook or Twitter, you should spend more on Instagram ads.

To begin, you don’t need to know precisely what you’re doing, but the sooner you do, the better. It will start collecting valuable data that you may utilize to your benefit.

● Ahrefs

When starting a firm, the most significant consideration is the competitive environment. The Ahrefs suite of tools allows you to learn more about your industry’s competitors. You’ll also discover the source of your competitors’ traffic and details on their ranking keywords, content characteristics, backlinks, and other relevant information.

You must learn from your competition to expand your business. You must first understand their shortcomings and strengths to defeat them in your field. You’ll have a great starting point for your own digital marketing strategy if you use this information.

●  Audiense

We’ve discussed the value of social listening for discovering trends and potential customers numerous times. Audiense takes listening to the next level by assisting businesses in identifying and segmenting their social media consumers.

It’ll be easier to create laser-targeted marketing campaigns and delve deeper into your client’s personalities if you do it this way. You will learn from social alone regarding demographics, personality traits, etc.

Audiense’s platform is significantly focused on Twitter, making it ideal for both B2B and B2C organizations trying to learn more about their target audiences.

Over To You!

Every business has a working and marketing style of its own. To ensure that you find the best for your business, we listed beneficial digital marketing tools in demand. Now, it’s all up to you to select the one for your business.