How to Care For Trees


There are many important aspects of tree care. From watering to pruning and mulching, to disease control, there are a variety of essential practices you can employ. This article will explain the basics of care for different types of trees.

If you have any questions about tree care, feel free to ask our professional tree surgeons! Besides, we also discuss common mistakes people make while caring for their trees. So, what can you do?


There is no one rule for watering trees. You must determine the amount of watering needed for the type of soil you have, and the watering schedule for that specific type of tree.

Ideally, trees should be watered two or three times a week, but new trees may need to be watered more frequently. Before watering a tree, make sure its root ball is moist and dry. If this happens, you should stop watering the tree until the root ball is moist.


Trees require a lot of pruning during their growing years. Proper timing and technique are vital to the long-term health of your tree. Each cut has the potential to dramatically change the shape and structure of your tree. You should also be careful not to prune to force your tree into aesthetic constraints. It will result in poor growth and a dead look. In some cases, your tree may even die. Therefore, it is important to use pruning only when necessary to keep the tree looking its best.


Before mulching for trees, you should know their root zone size. The diameter of the trunk is roughly the radius of the critical root zone. Multiply this figure by 1.5 to get the radius of the mulched area. Make sure that there are no turf grass or other hard surfaces between the mulched area and the tree’s trunk. If the tree is newly planted, there will likely already be a buffer between it and the turf grass, but if it is already established, there will likely be a ring of turf grass in the vicinity of the natural root flare. Bricks, stone, and metal tree rings should also be placed outside of this zone.


Various diseases attack trees, some of them are unsightly, while others can cause death. Trees suffer from diseases that weaken their defenses and cause them to die. Environmental stressors include drought, overcrowding, and insects. Damage to the stem and roots invite pathogens. In severe cases, a tree may experience leaf distortion or premature leaf drop. Here are some common tree diseases and how to identify them.


Trees can be attacked by pests, including aphids, scale insects, and thrips. Tree insects feed on plant sap and can cause leaf-bleaching, curling, and sooty mold. Trees are more resistant to attack when they are properly cared for, but you should still take steps to protect them. Here are a few methods to keep pests out of your trees.