Choosing Basement Waterproofing Systems


When choosing a waterproofing system, it is important to know what type of product to use. There are several types of basement waterproofing systems, such as Hydrostatic pressure, French drains, and sump pumps. The type you choose will depend on your home’s construction and level of moisture. These systems can protect against water damage by blocking capillaries. But which one is the best? Here are some tips for choosing the best option.

Interior basement waterproofing

There are many types of interior basement waterproofing methods. These methods include utilizing a drainage system to collect water on the exterior of the foundation walls and the sub-floor. But even if a drainage system is installed, it must be kept free of mud and debris to be effective. Many homeowners go years without experiencing a problem until they finally notice water coming in from below. A patented waterproofing system addresses these challenges and helps keep basements dry permanently.

Adding a sump pump to the basement is as important as installing an interior basement waterproofing system. A sump pump will draw out thousands of gallons of water every hour and discharge it to an exterior drainage basin. Some basements do not need a sump pump station. These homes feature drain grates in the center of the basement floor. The drainage path below the floor leads away from the foundation. However, if your drainage system is not working as intended, a sump pump may not be necessary.

Hydrostatic pressure

The most obvious way to deal with hydrostatic pressure when waterproofing your basement is to build a drainage system. Adding supplemental drains or restructured drainage systems will divert water away from the foundation, preventing it from seeping into the basement walls. While the area around the foundation will never be completely dry, concentrated drainage improvements can go a long way. Here are some basic steps to follow:

A sloped yard can lead to hydrostatic pressure, which can cause your foundation walls to buckle and your basement to flood. You can mitigate the problem by grading the yard. If you live in an area where water collects, you can install sheet drainage materials around the foundation. This will help reduce the amount of pressure that water exerts on the foundation walls. You should also install a water-based epoxy system around the foundation during construction.

French drains

If you have a wet basement, you should install a French drain system. This type of waterproofing system involves installing pipes and trenches that direct water away from the house’s foundation. Professional installation requires plumbing and landscape grading skills. D-Bug Waterproofing is an excellent option for a waterproof basement. French drains are also effective in preventing mold and other mold-causing organisms from growing in your home’s basement.

The installation process of a French drain involves digging a trench in the floor of your basement. The depth of the trench varies depending on the unique circumstances of your site. Once the trench is dug, a perforated PVC pipe is inserted and covered with gravel. The pipe catches water that rises from the foundation and filters down through the gravel. Next, the trench is pitched to discharge the water into a sump.

Sump pumps

Although you may not know it, basement waterproofing with sump pumps can help you avoid flooding disasters. Water seeping into the ground around your house puts pressure on the basement wall and the foundation. Over time, this pressure leads to cracking in these areas. These pumps reduce the pressure on foundations and basement walls, which prevents cracking and saves you money by reducing the amount of time you spend fixing or replacing damaged foundations.

The system diverts water to an area outside your home, where it can be safely removed. Ideally, you should have a sump pump in your unfinished basement. This way, you won’t have to dig a trench or worry about running out of space to install one. This waterproofing method is also great for homes in climatic areas where precipitation is common. The drain pipes and sump pumps are connected to each other, and the pumps are installed on these connections.